Educators inspire students to positively contribute to and responsibly participate in the digital world.

Digital Citizenship
What is digital citizenship? Digital citizenship is your virtual presence online also known as your digital footprint. It is much like your citizenship in real life and how you are perceived but a digital or virtual version of this. It is also being smart and safe online - knowing what to and not to do.
Digital Citizenship is comprised of 9 elements.
Digital access - Digital access is as simple as it sounds. The accessibility to the digital world and being aware of who may or may not have access and being able to create equal opportunities.
Digital commerce - buying and selling of goods and/or services online.
Digital communication - any communication that takes place in the digital world.
Digital literacy - understanding all the ways in which to use the digital world. Not just reading and writing online but also how to operate all the different platforms to access the digital world as well as checking websites for validity, knowing how to share properly and much more.
Digital etiquette - knowing what to and not to do online in regards to your conduct and what is and is not acceptable to say or share online. #itsnotadiary
Digital law - digital law refers to, just like in the real world, laws which you must follow online. Rules and regulations for copywriting, sharing, bullying, sexual conduct and more.
Digital rights & responsibilities - refers to the rights and responsibilities that one must uphold while operating in the digital world. It is having the right to use the digital technology but also using it in an acceptable manner.
Digital health & wellness - refers to the proper way to use a computer in reference to your well-being. Such as sitting or staring for too long. Sitting the wrong way or slouching which can cause posture issues or eye-straining. Knowing the options you have and how to protect your body.
Digital security - precautions that should be taken to ensure you are protected digitally. Knowing how to protect your computer from SPAM, phishing, viruses and more.