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Blogs can be used to broaden your horizons on certain ideas as well as enable you to share your own ideas on the topic. You can read other blogs or create your own to share your ideas. Below are popular/informative blogs related to Adult Ed. 

Laptop Writing

CTE Policy Watch Blog

This is a blog by the Association for Career and Technical Education. ACTE is the largest national education association dedicated to the advancement of education that prepares youth and adults for careers. 

Online Learning.

Council for Adult and Experiential Learning Blog

The Council for Adult and Experiential Learning (CAEL) is a national nonprofit that works at all levels within the higher education, public and private sectors to make it easier for today's students to get the education and training they need. The CAEL blog is comprised of material generated to enlighten individuals on the work going on in adult and career education. 

Writing on Computer

The Inmate Blogger 

The Inmate Blogger is as simple as it sounds, a collection of blogs written by men and women in prison. Anyone looking to work with inmates should read these blogs in order to stay current on what is happening in prisons and what life is like for them. 

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