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About Me

Hello, my name is Anna P. Beard and I currently reside in Cullman, Al with my husband and dog. I am almost 28 years old and enjoy spending time with my friends and family and having fun!



For the past three years I have worked within the Communications & Marketing Department at Wallace State Community College. From this position I have gained experience from working as a support staff member in an educational setting and have gained general knowledge of college procedures and policies as well as experience in assisting students and the general public with admission and registration, as well as navigating educational and career goals. I also am skilled in communications, marketing, event planning, writing and design.


I have an Associate Degree in Graphic Art & Design and two Bachelor's Degrees from The University of Alabama, one in art and the other in journalism but while I was in school at UA I realized that I wanted to do something else later that would help people. So I began my 20 year plan to one day open up a non-profit that would help others get their life back.


Upon working at WSCC I signed-up for an employee program called Leadership Wallace State and during this program we were able to tour the Alabama Community College System. While there in Montgomery we met with the team who handles the Adult Education programs for the state and they spoke with us about their work with inmates and that is when I knew I wanted to be the Director of Adult Education somewhere, someday.


I am really passionate about helping others turn their life around who have lost it due to drugs, a tragedy or something else and I believe that the Adult Education program would enable me to do this.


So, in order to make that happen I knew I had to get my Master's and the Career & Technical Education Program at Athens State University seemed to be the perfect fit!


While working on my Master's I began developing my non-profit and focusing my curriculum and assignments on prison reform. My non-profit is called WRAP: Women's Rediscovery After Prison and you can learn more about it on my site!

Please email me for more information, ideas or more!


The 2017-2018 Leadership Wallace State group visit to Montgomery, where we met the Adult Education program as well as met with Chancellor Jimmy Baker and attended a board meeting. We were also able to tour the state Capitol.

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